September 30, 2014

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Tracey Curwen, PhD is a Developmental Scientist whose research program is broadly focused on children and adolescents who perpetrate and/or are victims of sexual abuse.  Dr. Curwen’s current research program is specifically focused on empirical research regarding 1) accurate assessment and prediction of a child’s risk to continue engaging in concerning sexual behaviours (CSB) once identified, and 2) identifying personal, relational, familial, emotional, and behavioural issues that may require intervention/treatment to reduce a child abuse victim’s risk of starting or continuing CSB.

Dr. Curwen obtained  a doctoral degree in Psychology from the University of Toronto and, currently, she is Associate Professor of Psychology at Nipissing University in North Bay, Ontario, Canada.  As well as teaching various psychology courses such as Psychology of Corrections, Psychology of Crime and Victimization, Motivation, Emotion, and a senior research seminar, Dr. Curwen supervises undergraduate and graduate empirical research projects for students in Psychology, Criminal Justice, and Social Work.  She also runs an active research lab where graduate and undergraduate students and community-based professionals are supervised and supported in their own research abuse, violence, and victimization related projects.

In addition to her work at the University, Dr. Curwen provides research consultation and support to a number of community-based mental health agencies that provide assessment and treatment to children and adolescents and she Chairs two agency-based Research Ethics Boards.  Her work with community-based mental health agencies has resulted in collaborative and independent research projects specific to child and adolescent abuse, victimization, behavioural difficulties, and mental health related issues;  other projects have included treatment outcome studies and program evaluation projects designed to identify the benefits and hurdles of new and established social service programs and interventions. Dr. Curwen has provided psychological assessments, training, workshops, and national and international conference presentations; as well she has authored and co-authored book chapters, research manuscripts, and internationally recognized risk assessment protocols for children with concerning sexual behaviour and for sexually offending adolescents.  Dr. Curwen is committed to conducting and supporting research that informs clinical practice.


Stephanie McMahon, BSc. graduated from the University of Guelph in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science degree; she has also recently obtained a certificate in Children’s Mental Health through Fleming College. Stephanie began working as a research assistant for Dr. Curwen in June 2014 and she has been involved with the CSB Network project since its inception. Along with the CSB Network, Stephanie is working with Dr. Curwen and collaborating with a local mental health agency to evaluate a newly developed program for adolescents with issues related to substance abuse who’ve been in contact with law enforcement. Stephanie is the primary contact for any questions or comments regarding the CSB Network; Stephanie can be contacted at


Dr. Dana Costin is a registered Clinical and Forensic Psychologist and full-time Professor in the Child and Youth Care degree program at Humber College Institute of Advanced Learning and Technology, Toronto, Ontario, where she primarily teaches courses regarding Intervention, counselling, and trauma. Since 1999, she has specialized in the assessment and treatment of adolescents who have sexually offended, children and adolescents who have experienced trauma, children exhibiting sexualized behaviours, youth in conflict with the law, and their families. She regularly provides consultation, training, workshops, and conference presentations regarding this work and has co-authored several book chapters. Dr. Costin also maintains a private practice in the Toronto area and regularly conducts court-ordered Section 34 assessments, as well as provides assessments and consultation for various Children’s Aid Societies. Additionally, Dr. Costin consults to various programs in and around the Toronto area: Turning Point Youth Services, Youth Connections Residential Program, Radius Child and Youth Services, and the Hospital for Sick Children’s Tele-Psychiatry Program. Several times per year, Dr. Costin provides training at the Ontario Police College in the Investigating Offences Against Children course. Dr. Costin’s involvement in the CSB Network primarily involves training and on-going consultation to clinical professionals currently working with children with concerning sexual behaviours and their families.

Glen Sharpe, EdD. is an Associate Professor in the Schulich Faculty of Education at Nipissing University where he teaches courses in: Educational Law; Ontario College of Teachers Policy/Procedures; Classroom and Behavioral Management. Dr. Sharpe is a Mohawk of the Bay of Quinte and he is particularly interested in supporting Indigenous students and teachers.  Among his varied research interests, Dr. Sharpe is particularly interested in teacher abuse of elementary-aged students; he has conducted research studies and presented workshops and teacher training regarding identifying abusive teachers and supporting them to implement appropriate behaviour management strategies in student-teacher interactions. Some of his accomplishments include receiving the Aboriginal Circle of Educator’s Researcher and Curriculum Development Award for 2015; Conflict Resolution in the Classroom certification, and consultation to the Ontario College of Teachers regarding writing additional qualifications course work. More recently, Dr. Sharpe has provided consultation to various mental health agencies regarding collaboration and supportive partnerships with teachers, and assisting teachers in their management of various behaviours, including child sexual behaviour, in the school environment. Dr. Sharpe has the unique perspective to support teachers as he started his academic career as an elementary school educator; for over 25 years, he has taught all Primary, Junior and Intermediate grade levels. Dr. Sharpe has also provided mentorship to many emerging and seasoned teachers.  Dr. Sharpe’s contributions to the CSB Network include supporting teachers and other elementary school personnel to assist students with concerning sexual behaviours.


Ontario Provincial Police

Detective Sergeant Tom McVey has been a member of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) for 19 years, joining the service in September, 1996. He has served at the Upper Ottawa Valley, Almaguin Highlands and North Bay Detachments. He was promoted to the rank of Detective Sergeant during September 2010.   Detective Sergeant McVey fulfilled the role of Area Crime Supervisor for the North Bay Detachment from 2010 to 2014. Since January 2015, Detective Sergeant McVey has held the position of Regional Intelligence Coordinator for the North East Region OPP. In this role he is responsible for the effective management of the Regional Intelligence Unit and Regional Analyst Program. Detective Sergeant McVey is contributing to the CSB Network by providing protocol and procedural information to the principal investigator and coordinating the involvement of OPP officers in the project.

Constable Shawn Fougère has been a member of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) for 21 years, joining the force in January, 1994. He has served at the Parry Sound, Hearst and North Bay Detachments in a front line role, as well as part of specialized positions in Criminal Investigations, Traffic and Marine, Crime Stoppers, Youth Officer and Media Relations.

Since October 2013, Cst. Fougère has held the position of Crime Analyst for the North East Region OPP, receiving specialized training in Predictive Analysis from the Alpha Group Centre for Crime and Intelligence Analysis in conjunction with the University of California. He has also received training in relation to Focus Patrol strategies for the identification of “Hot Spots” and “Trends” in the deployment of police resources, as well as data base analysis and the preparation of data and analytical reports for senior command. Constable Fougère is supporting the CSB Network by providing relevant statistical information essential for knowledge exchange between project personnel and community professionals.