April 11, 2015

Completing the AR-RSBP

Only after all of the required information has been collected would an assessor be in a position to complete the RSBP.

Without collecting as much detail as possible, any assessment would be incomplete and decisions regarding needs and risk would not likely accurately reflect the child’s needs.

The AR-RSBP should be completed AFTER a comprehensive assessment has been conducted. Upon the completion of an assessment, the assessor would read the description and examples listed for the factor specific to each coding option. If information collected through the assessment indicates that the specific factor was definitely true for the child, the Yes option should be coded

Select the coding option that is most reflective of the information collected. Pay particular attention to the time frame specified in each factor. A number of factors are limited to the past 6 months or the next 6 months. Only information regarding this time frame should be used to determine coding

The number of issues to be present is stated and should be adhered to. If the factor is potentially true or true but to a lesser extent than is outlined in the descriptors of the Yes categorization, the code of Partially/possibly present (PP) is appropriate. The PP coding may be appropriate under circumstances where limited details of the factor are provided (i.e. other professionals alluded to a problem, or the child/family suggested that there was a problem but did not indicate any details). If all information collected during the assessment indicates that the factor is not possibly or definitely true, the factor should be coded as No.

When the information necessary to code a specific factor is not collected or is unknown, all coding options for that factor should be left blank and not considered in any decisions based on the RSBP.

Once each of the factors has been read and coded, the assessor could then transfer their responses to the RSBP summary page. The summary page lists each factor organized into categories as well as into static and dynamic types. It is important that the assessor not complete the summary until they have ensured that the assessment information is accurately represented in their coding of each factor. To ensure accuracy, it is recommended that descriptions and criteria for each factor be reviewed prior to coding.

The summary page, provides an overview of which factors are present, which dynamic factors may require intervention, and which factors to use in determining treatment recommendations

The summary sheet includes two columns entitled Assessment 1 and Assessment 2. The two columns are provided to allow a comparison of the initial assessment using the RSBP to a later assessment and/or the two columns may also be useful for comparing the independent coding of dual assessors for the same child.

As noted, clinical judgment is a component of empirically guided risk assessment. An assessor must accurately reflect their knowledge of a child in their RSBP coding and in any subsequent decisions. It is recommended that two individuals independently complete the coding of a child and then compare and discuss any differences.

It is possible that both do not have similar knowledge of the child, or that some issues may be viewed as relevant to a coding for one but not the other assessor. Dual coding of the RSBP on the same child will benefit in determining the concerns and ultimate strategies needed to reduce risk